Posted: 1/12/2010 by .Loviathar Hellman in
VIRTUAL INSANITY is proud to have been invited to the Shoes & Accessories Hunt 2010.
After the great success of Make Him Over Hunt, Tarsis Gausman & Samara Pennell thought about a special hunt for shoes & accessories designers. We can hope that this hunt takes proportions as big as the MHOH did. Between the names on the list, you'll find AITUI, BLITZED, ducknipple & a lot more of designers recognized by the SL community for the quality of their work.
After the great success of Make Him Over Hunt, Tarsis Gausman & Samara Pennell thought about a special hunt for shoes & accessories designers. We can hope that this hunt takes proportions as big as the MHOH did. Between the names on the list, you'll find AITUI, BLITZED, ducknipple & a lot more of designers recognized by the SL community for the quality of their work.
Please have a look at the blog, out there. You may also care to join the group which counts at the moment I'm writing these lines, a bit more than 1200 names, proof, if we need one, that this hunt will probably be one of the best of the year. And the more hunters are to presage, the better the quality of the gifts will be, for sure.
Here is a preview of VIRTUAL INSANITY's gift. We hope you'll take the time to participate to the hunt and to see you @the mainstore n°1 (Hear&Sole) for this occasion, between 1000 of others ;-).
Here is a preview of VIRTUAL INSANITY's gift. We hope you'll take the time to participate to the hunt and to see you @the mainstore n°1 (Hear&Sole) for this occasion, between 1000 of others ;-).