This week end & next week's events !

Posted: 9/09/2010 by .Loviathar Hellman in

Here are the previews for the next week-end and next week's events ! Hope you'll love it :).

From the 12th september - Silent Lion Troupe - At the mainstore !

From now, an exclusive item in our ZombiePopcorn or Burst's sim satellite store!
Every month, I'll build and rez an exclusive item to the ZombiePopcorn's sim [V/I] satellite store around the 15th of the month. An advertising will be rezzed at the mainstore inviting you to take a LM. WARNING : the LM leads to the landing point of the sim in front of the church. You've got to go at the left perpendicular street and the store is on the left side in the middle of the street.  

Zombiepopcorn Brand event ! 
Just a little word in introduction to this new event. An amount of designers will rez an item at the ZombiePopcorn sim's chappel every month and it will be available for a few days. The price will be equal or lower to the pricing we would practice in store. It will be exclusive during the lenght of the event and then sold at the mainstore, given out or lost forever, depending on my mood. Some awesome stores will take a part in this new event. So get ready ;). More info coming soon.

For this saturday 11th september, one more SUPER BARGAIN SATURDAY item for 60L ! Designed by Moolfryt Klang, our assistant designer and tattoo master ;).

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