Posted: 8/23/2010 by .Loviathar Hellman in
So far, the big question about the life and the universe had been this : "Should I wear armwarmers, nails or rings ?".
I had partially found an answer to that question in creating a little lazy bunch of rings and nails sets.
Today, I have the pride to announce that I finally found my complete answer in building a set of armwarmers including rings but also nails !
This is a first version. I'll design armbands of that style in the future in other knit kinds.
Also let's mention that I changed a bit the design of the store. It's not a done work. I'll still work on some rooms a bit later.
For more simplicity, the events items will be available at the end of the hall in the big big room and the events room has been changed in a "new items" room. Except for a set of nails and rings that has nothing to do there but that I'm too lazy to move as far as the accessories room isn't modified yet, the tattoo & piercings room was changed in an exclusively tattoo room and the piercings collection has been moved at the left side of the big hall.
We hope you enjoy this new design.